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  • Lloyd Price

Apple poised to follow Samsung and enter the Smart Ring Wearable HealthTech market competing with Oura?

Exec Summary:

Based on recent press reports, Apple is showing strong signs of entering the smart ring market, competing with Samsung and Oura. The potential entry of Apple and Samsung into the smart ring market with their respective products, the Apple Smart Ring and the Galaxy Ring, is likely to have both positive and negative impacts on Oura, the current market leader.

The Samsung Galaxy Ring is a new health and wellness wearable that was first teased at Samsung's Unpacked event in January 2024 and officially unveiled at Mobile World Congress 2024. It's not yet available for purchase, but it is expected to be released in late summer 2024.

Why would Apple enter the Smart Ring Wearable HealthTech market?

  • Market growth: The global smart ring market is projected to experience significant growth in the coming years, attracting established tech companies like Apple.

  • Patent activity: Apple has been filing patents related to smart ring technology, suggesting potential development efforts.

  • Industry reports: Several industry reports and news sources claim Apple is actively working on a smart ring, with an anticipated release sometime in the near future.

  • Following suit: Samsung's official entry into the market with the Galaxy Ring might further incentivise Apple to compete, considering their history of vying for dominance in the tech landscape.

While there's no official confirmation from Apple, the evidence suggests they are at least considering entering the smart ring market. Whether they will directly compete with Oura and Samsung remains to be seen. It depends on the final features and functionalities they offer in their potential smart ring.

However, their established user base, brand recognition, and strong presence in the health and wellness market through the Apple Watch suggest they could be a significant player if they choose to enter this space.

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Apple Smart Ring rumours

While there is no official announcement from Apple regarding an Apple Smart Ring, there have been rumours and patent filings that suggest the company might be exploring this wearable technology. Here's what we know so far based on these unofficial sources:

Possible features: Based on the patents, the Apple Smart Ring could include:

  • Health tracking: Similar to other smart rings and the Apple Watch, it might track heart rate, blood oxygen levels, sleep patterns, and potentially other health metrics.

  • Gesture control: The ring could use hand gestures to interact with other Apple devices, potentially controlling music playback, taking calls, or navigating apps.

  • Mobile payments: It might integrate with Apple Pay for contactless payments.

  • Unique features: Some patents hint at features like a small touchscreen display, voice control, and even using the ring as an authentication tool.

There's no official information about the design or release date. However, speculations suggest it might be:

  • Compact and sleek: Made from lightweight and durable materials like titanium, similar to other smart rings available.

  • Released in September 2024: This aligns with Apple's typical product launch timeframe, especially for wearables, which are often announced at their September event.

It's important to remember that this information is based on rumours and speculation, and Apple has not confirmed anything about an Apple Smart Ring. 

Samsung Galaxy Ring rumours

The Samsung Galaxy Ring is a new health and wellness wearable that was first teased at Samsung's Unpacked event in January 2024 and officially unveiled at Mobile World Congress 2024. It's not yet available for purchase, but it is expected to be released in late summer 2024.

Here's what we know about the Samsung Galaxy Ring so far:

  • Features: It will focus on health tracking, likely including features like heart rate monitoring, sleep tracking, blood oxygen monitoring, and potentially ECG functionality and blood flow measurement. It will also integrate with Samsung Health for data analysis and insights.

  • Design: The ring will come in a variety of colors and sizes, with larger sizes having slightly larger batteries. It is designed to be sleek and comfortable to wear all day and night.

  • Compatibility: As of now, the Galaxy Ring is expected to be compatible with Android devices only, similar to the Galaxy Watch. However, this could change in the future.

  • Price: There is no official word on the price yet, but it is expected to be competitive with other smart rings on the market, which typically range from $200 to $300.

Overall, the Samsung Galaxy Ring looks like it could be a promising new option for people who are looking for a sleek and convenient way to track their health and wellness. However, we'll have to wait and see how it stacks up against the competition when it is finally released.

What impact will Apple and Samsung entering the smart ring market have for Oura?

The potential entry of Apple and Samsung into the smart ring market with their respective products, the Apple Smart Ring and the Galaxy Ring, is likely to have both positive and negative impacts on Oura, the current market leader.

Potential positives:

  • Increased market awareness: The entry of these tech giants can bring wider attention to the smart ring market, potentially attracting new consumers who may not have been aware of Oura or other smart rings before. This could lead to increased overall market size and potential customer base for Oura.

  • Increased competition can drive innovation: With more players entering the market, there's an incentive for all companies, including Oura, to continuously improve their products and features. This can benefit consumers in the long run as they get access to a wider range of options with potentially advanced functionalities.

Potential negatives:

  • Market share competition: Apple and Samsung have strong brand recognition and loyal customer bases, which could challenge Oura's current market share dominance. Both companies are also known for their aggressive marketing strategies, potentially making it harder for Oura to stand out.

  • Price pressure: With established players entering the market, there could be pressure to lower prices to remain competitive. This could potentially impact Oura's profit margins, especially if they choose not to significantly alter their pricing strategy.

Additionally, the specific impact will depend on several factors:

  • Features and pricing of Apple and Samsung's smart rings: If their offerings have similar functionalities and competitive prices compared to Oura, it could be more challenging for Oura to maintain its position.

  • Oura's ability to adapt and innovate: Oura's success will depend on their ability to differentiate themselves by offering unique features, focusing on specific consumer segments, or continuously improving their existing product and services.

Overall, the impact of Apple and Samsung's entry is still uncertain. While it presents challenges for Oura, it also presents opportunities for the market as a whole. Oura's success will likely depend on their ability to adapt, innovate, and leverage their unique strengths in the face of increased competition.

Growth and M&A for Healthcare Technology companies

Healthcare Technology Thought Leadership from Nelson Advisors – Market Insights, Analysis & Predictions. Visit 

HealthTech Corporate Development - Buy Side, Sell Side, Growth & Strategy services for Founders, Owners and Investors. Email  

HealthTech M&A Newsletter from Nelson Advisors - HealthTech, Health IT, Digital Health Insights and Analysis. Subscribe Today! 

HealthTech Corporate Development and M&A - Buy Side, Sell Side, Growth & Strategy services for companies in Europe, Middle East and Africa. Visit  

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