The Digital Pill: What Everyone Should Know about the Future of Our Healthcare System

The Digital Pill reflects on apps and digital projects launched by pharmaceutical companies in recent years, as well as the first accreditations for digital pills already issued by recognised regulators. The Digital Pill is essential reading for anyone working in, engaged with or interested in understanding the e-health community.
Information technology is changing healthcare in numerous wide-ranging aspects, including significantly improving the overall quality of patient care and therefore helping to reduce limitations in people's daily lives. The Digital Pill reflects on how digital technologies can combat chronic diseases including diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular, respiratory and neurodegenerative diseases as well as mental disorders.
Chronic diseases touch every family, generate infinite suffering and cause the lion's share of every countries' healthcare spending across the world. The authors carefully study a broad selection of contemporary companies and healthcare organizations that are shaping digital healthcare. They report pioneering cases from large and small technology, insurance, and pharmaceutical companies as well as healthcare providers of all sorts across the globe and bring forward patterns and corner stones of an affordable and patient centric digital healthcare. The Digital Pill is essential reading for anyone working in, engaged with or interested in understanding the future of healthcare.
About the Author
Elgar Fleisch co-founded the Center for Digital Health Interventions at ETH Zurich, Switzerland, focusing on creating and testing technologies and business models for digital therapeutics. His center works in close cooperation with the Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth, United States, and the Future Health Technologies Center in Singapore.Christoph Franz is Honorary Professor at the University of St. Gallen, Switzerland, and pushes several digital life science projects in the framework of his role as Chairman of Roche/Genentech.Andreas Herrmann has spent many years studying the decision-making behaviour of individuals, particularly the influence of technologies for supporting decisions made by individuals.
